Next we have the drift mods and corrupted mods could be acquired in a few interesting ways I've thought of either upgrading the standard mods, a rare chance of getting them like the regular mods, or my least favorite from Barro like other primed mods. Most Primed Mods in the game come from the Void Trader, Baro KiTeer. Why is that These mods increase the damage of your weapon by a substantial margin. Primed Point Blank and Hell's Chamber are always on shotguns, and Hornet Strike with Barrel Diffusion is on every secondary.
Do Arbitrations, Sorties and Maroo sculpture hunts for endo. Serration and Split Chamber are on every build for primary weapons in Warframe. As a player, you want to place higher priority on the mods that can be used on multiple items more than certain items first. Basically any frame that needs to spam abilities or have channeled abilities all benefit greatly from Primed Flow. We currently have Primed continuity for durration but we still need: Primed Mods are enhanced versions of their original non-primed counterparts, featuring additional ranks and with it greater bonuses. Mag, Ivara, Titania, Nova, Saryn, Nyx, Oberon, Ash, Khora, Octavia, Ember,etc.
Baro Ki'Teer needs to bring more primed mods