Breathing grill making a pouty face? Check. Let's compare, shall we? Eyes rounded at bottom, flat along the top, making ' Angry Eyes?' Check. When I first saw GW's version of a Space Marine in the late 80's, I immediately thought the design very derivative (to put it kindly) of George Lucas's Stormtroopers: And, since I don't have my vintage Action Figures close at hand, my boy's lego version will have to do as a point of reference. However, the design of the Stormtrooper always captured my imagination the most, and remains the first thing I think of when I hear the words 'Star Wars.' I even dressed up as one for Halloween back in 1980 or so (my Mom, God bless her, sewed me a suit out of a bed sheet and decorated it with a Magic Marker). I was one of those kids who always rooted for the good guys, and Luke and Han were my heroes. So, I was a huge Star Wars fan as a kid in mid-70's. Oldenhammer in Toronto had a great post I read over the weekend, discussing Star Wars and Rogue Trader, and the role Storm Troopers and Space Marines play, which got me thinking.